Sometimes I wish I could just pick something, enjoy it, and be like yeah this is totally what I want to do for the rest of my life. Sadly, I am indecisive and have major commitment issues. One minute I want to be an accountant because it seems like a good stable career, and it would be great to know how to handle money.
This would be me if I knew how to use a calculator, was black, and had an office type job. But then I think, no what am I really passionate about? Horses! I LOVEEE horses. I would give my left arm to live and work with horses again (I had a horse when I was younger). So then I go searching on craigslist for horse jobs, and anywhere else on the internet that there might be horse jobs. Why? Because this is what I picture:
Instead of the reality which would be more like this:
So then I'm back to thinking about what other types of work I might enjoy. I like being naked and am pretty narcissistic so maybe a model? Yeah that might be good as a side job. What else? Stripper? Hmm...been there, done that, over it. Anything else? Oooh I know, dominatrix! What could be better than whipping people and verbally abusing them in 6 inch platform heels? Nothing, except maybe riding horses. Did you pick up on how both these things involve riding crops? Exactly! It's meant to be. Will let you know how my foray into the world of fetish goes. Wish me luck.
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